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Our God Is a Planner

We see how our great God is an outstanding planner.
His timeline is super accurate. He is never late or early.

Praise His Holy Name

The overflow of His crystal heart runs over the hills of Calvary. Sing a song: My help comes from the hills, and stars of heaven echo back: Go forth my Child, He is God, He changes not. We serve not a dead but a LIVING GOD.

The Bible is a real event like the morning newspaper

It is speaking to you. Jesus is the Word. Whether Old or New Testament, it is Jesus who is speaking. He talks to us and teaches that words are SPIRITS and have LIFE in them.

Fear Not, Little Flock

Watch that fear not repeated 365 times in the Bible! I am serious. God 365 times says, “fear not.” That means for every day of the year; He Had comforted you with one fatherly “fear not.”
Jesus said peace, my peace; I leave it with you, so rest in Him, little flock; the shepherd loves you. Rest in the Lord.

And This Is The Sign

This Gospel

And This is THE SIGN.
How would our brothers and sisters be left behind if they have never heard the message of Jesus Christ? For now, a significant part of China, Russia, North Korea, and the middle east have never heard of the gospel. Could it be fair? No. Our God is good, a righteous God who will not leave His children in darkness.

Jesus is the Word

Whether Old or New Testament, it is Jesus who is speaking. He talks to us and teaches that words are SPIRITS and have LIFE in them.

Jesus was with the Father right at the beginning

Jesus was the Word, and the word was God and is God, so Jesus is the word, and the word is Jesus. The word was and is God. The word that you touch is God. As God is alive, the word is alive. When you open a Bible page, God speaks to and with you. When you hold your Bible, you hold your God. You have to reach this personal conviction.

But Seek You First, the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Do not get caught with the worries of the world. We are in the world but not of the world. We are passengers but passengers with assignments. We must preach the gospel and dwell in the word of God. We are here for discipleship. God desired a family, and by living in His will, we can be considered worthy of this family. Thy kingdom come! Is the only concern, and thy will be done! It is the manual.

The Mistery of Creation: God With Us

Christ, who is the radiance of the glory of God according to Hebrews 1:3, is the glory of God as Immanuel, “God with us.” Therefore, His dual nature (divine and human nature) is glorious. Being the image of the Father, the glory of the Father is also insculped in Him. If He is the head and we are the members (the church), then the glory also shines on the glorious church.

God Is Calling You. You Are Chosen!

We are tridimensional spiritual beings. We are spirits; a body is assigned to us; inside that body is our soul. Our spirit holds our soul. All our intellect, will, desires, and emotions are attributes of our souls. Our spiritual being instead lives in the area of our belly. That is why Jesus says rivers of living water flow out of his belly. Jesus asks: who is thirsty? Those whom God has initiated have thirst in a season of spiritual thirst and hunger. So, we find a desire to know more about Jesus. That desire is not an accident. God calls you!

Love One Another

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

God Rejoices Over One Loving Heart
One lost pearl. He never gave up on you, no matter how sinful you may see yourself. His standards differ from your standards, so come, beloved! Come! He is calling you by your name!

The Word Is the Seed

The spiritual seed of the word must function just as the physical one: first, the blade, then the ear, then the whole grain.